Dave's Ti Singlespeed Hardtail

Dave's Ti Singlespeed Hardtail

Firstly, can I say thank you. The titanium frame is everything I wanted and expected! It is significantly stiffer than my steel frame, especially around the BB area and the front end around the head tube. This makes the bike fly up hills, and makes it feel really accurate around corners. The frame is 1.5lbs lighter than my steel frame!!! The whole bike is now 23lbs, for an MTB with disc brakes, suspension and no carbon this is very very good.

I rode the bike first on very familiar trails on Tuesday night and was glad that I had Wednesday off work to get out all day on it. I ended up riding for five and a half hours on Wednesday, covering all of my favourite local trails. Usually this would leave me aching, especially on the singlespeed set up, but I felt like I could have ridden on for another 5 hours!

Dave Farmer
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